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Showing posts from July, 2007

Five senses our masters or servants?

Today listening to Osho’s discourse on Buddha something transpired in me…. Servants have turned into masters and masters into servants…. Our servants these 5 senses… They have deceived the master…. The master doesn’t question them any more…. The messages coming from the servants are trusted blindly now…. This is what animal nature is…. And going beyond the senses is going beyond the animal nature. Going deeper and deeper into the matter we found out it’s because of the mind… The existence of the mind… The moment we don’t listen to the mind….it starts dying…. The transformation starts happening…. The master starts appearing…..

She Came

And then she came…. Asking question about her…. About her future… About her self… Asking asking asking…. Then she asked with love in her eyes Who are you? Where do you come from? What do you do? Where are you heading…? All I know I am Siddhartha on the path…. Don’t know where I come from Don’t know who I am Don’t know where I am heading… Same question arise inside me as yours Same emotion arise inside me as yours Same situation arise inside me as yours Almost everything the same Making a small difference of the master He Who is guiding and showing the path… Showing who I am Showing where I come from Showing where I am heading With innocence she departed Overfilling me with love Giving me something of the beyond That smile…. Those eyes of god… Torching my heart… She connected to me God connected to me God comes in all the faces….

Sitting In You

Obstacles can be transformed into spiritual growth Poison can be transformed into nectar Evil can be transformed into virtues Distraction can be counted into devotion on the path. People around can remind you of yourself Of your ego Of your mistakes Of your childish nature As Osho says where will you run…? Where will you go…? Wherever you will go there will be you & you is the problem, You is the obstacle So be in this you….completely…. Without running…without doing… being By watching…by waking up from sleep. As Milarepa says mukti is hidden in samsara The evils brings chances of more growth Those distracting, illusionary and confusing thoughts Make me remind of myself…. Of this samsara, of this big play. They make me more accomplish yogi. As Gorakh says Die O Yogi Die Die do completely that death becomes the amrit Die here and now…wherever you are….you can die.... This is the promise of Gorakh….

Alice In Wonderland

Master at whatever state he is, whatever is given to him… There is a beautiful alchemy … A beautiful transformation which happens…. Even dust turns into gold and same hold for the unconsciousness person even gold turns into dust. Even positive turns into negative because of his ego, because of his blindness. Osho’s recommended “Alice in wonderland” is another example of god’s work, of nature working. Who would have thought that even children’s book can hold the most essential truth. May be, I guess children’s books comes much closer to the truth because they are innocent down to earth, without ego. When you read this book not only you enjoy what Alice is going through but also parallel to it you also notice the subtle truth which is behind the story. I pray gratitude to the lovely master Osho, without him I would not have known or lived or grown in the realms which I was not even aware of. He has helped me from a very scratch, he has ignited the light within me and...

Rain Coming

Rain Comes And washes everything Cleanses everything Gives new life to everybody The dust on the leaves of tree Wait for it patiently The hope of man’s heart Wait for it patiently The dance of peacock’s being Wait for it patiently The thirst of the ground’s dust Wait patiently for it The rock’s new life Wait for it patiently Rain Comes And washes everything Cleanses everything Gives new life to everybody Oh what a wonder This timeless scene Nothing has everything Everything has nothing Celebrate, sing and dance Rain invites you all

Leaves Of Grass

Walt Whitman the author of Leaves Of Grass seems to be a very courageous and rebellious too, although not very sure where he is heading….throwing arrows in the dark….and surprisingly some arrows have been thrown at the right place. This is what wee see all the time even a film song which touches the heart of millions has something of god in it, otherwise there is no way that song can be recognized or appreciated and same goes with the song which is not appreciated however high caliber it seems to be showing but if its not touching the heart then there is some problem with it…most probably the problem is of the ego. When you create just create without having the thought whether it will be appreciated or not….when you just create for yourself…out of joy…out of your love…..then the real creativity happens. Osho says that Walt Whitman had the potential of Rishi in him….he said many things in his poem but the real experience was lacking, he is the only American [Osho says] which he appr...

O Beautiful Yogi

O Beautiful Yogi O Mirdad You inspire, you teach You love, you care You give, you compassion O Milarepa Gone beyond the mind Gone beyond the world Gone beyond the desire I grow in your presence O love! O Osho! Master of masters The ocean of bliss You radiate our potential You teach the child walk You give the bird wings You push the seed to be a tree You teach the man to be the master Countless are the gifts So little is the time So much to explore So much to love Gratitude O my master! They say that Guru’s work cannot be paid back Now I understand how Now I understand why Guru gives you That To be That To live That To experience That O beautiful Yogi I surrender I bow down To the miracle of the Master To his love Obeisance to the Guru Love Siddhartha