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Showing posts from November, 2007

Light Is The Reality...

Osho said – “When you are lost, god is. When you are, god disappears. Both cannot exist together. The relationship is almost like darkness and light. The room is dark -- you bring light in. The moment you bring light in, the darkness is no more there. I was reading an old Sufi story -- a parable -- about a very ancient cave. The cave had never known any light -- it was so dark, and it was hidden so deep in a mountain. The sun started feeling very sorry for the cave. He would come every morning and would knock -- but the cave wouldn't listen. One day he knocked unusually loud and he said to the cave, 'What are you doing there for centuries and centuries? I come every day and I bring such tremendous beauty and colour and light and love and life and warmth -- and you continue hiding there! What are you doing there? Come out! Just for once, just for a change, come out and see what is happening outside. It is no more night. There is no need to hide!' The cave could not believe i

In The Midst Of....

The one who can find silence In the midst of loudness... The one who can find stillness In the midst of fast movement.... The one who can find God In the midst of all the desires... The one who can find himself In the midst of everybody... The one who can attain to love In the midst of all this ego.... The one who can attain the Buddha In the midst of being a Zorba... The one who can attain the blossoming of a flower In the midst of rocks sitting around.... The one who can be the oasis In the midst of this vast desert... That one is the one whose Mind and the heart are together Are in harmony Are in ecstasy....

Beowulf – The Story Of Never Ending Desire

Recently watched this movie called Beowulf, this movie is based on the epic poem written by some anonymous poet. If looked from the superficial point of view it’s the hero fighting with the dragon and other enemies but if we go deeper into this movie we will see that this movie is talking about the vicious circle of endless desire. The one who start conquering the small desire come to a point where he also faces the mother of all the desires. Beowulf in the man who is in everybody, he is young, he is energetic, enthusiastic, confident, powerful and he is the one who has come fresh from God and this is how everybody comes from God and one day he starts going beyond the desire and in doing so he kills many sons of mother desire. And in doing so he actually gives the ultimate challenge to the mother of desire but when Beowulf faces her, he starts losing his strength and control because this desire seems to be the ultimate and gives many promises to him and also she appears as the mos

Brothers Karamazov

Brothers Karamazov is a novel which represents life in very detail. Dostoevsky has studied human mind and its nature very closely and in his novel he has revealed in very detail about human mind. He has talked about love and how it transforms you, he has written about jealousy and what it leads to and how it burns. He is the most alive and enthusiastic writer I have across, I don’t see a trace of passiveness in his language and I feel his energy is so active, so lively and so passionate. If one has to talk about life then Dostoevsky novel is the perfect material which reveals different dimensions of life. One can miss Gita; one can miss Ramayana but should not miss Dostoevsky’s Brothers Karamazov. It happens very rarely that the expression of life is revealed through words and this novel takes you on a journey called life.

There Is No Reason Why?

There is no reason why? Why I can’t be joyous all the time? Why can’t I be in that bliss always? Why can’t I enjoy that inner ecstasy always? Why can’t I be in Rasa always? Why can’t I? The mind will say how it can be? How can the light prevail always? How can this star remain always? How can this be possible? The mind says How? And the heart says Why Not? Follow the heart and you will know the secret of life...