Brothers Karamazov is a novel which represents life in very detail. Dostoevsky has studied human mind and its nature very closely and in his novel he has revealed in very detail about human mind.
He has talked about love and how it transforms you, he has written about jealousy and what it leads to and how it burns.
He is the most alive and enthusiastic writer I have across, I don’t see a trace of passiveness in his language and I feel his energy is so active, so lively and so passionate.
If one has to talk about life then Dostoevsky novel is the perfect material which reveals different dimensions of life. One can miss Gita; one can miss Ramayana but should not miss Dostoevsky’s Brothers Karamazov.
It happens very rarely that the expression of life is revealed through words and this novel takes you on a journey called life.
He has talked about love and how it transforms you, he has written about jealousy and what it leads to and how it burns.
He is the most alive and enthusiastic writer I have across, I don’t see a trace of passiveness in his language and I feel his energy is so active, so lively and so passionate.
If one has to talk about life then Dostoevsky novel is the perfect material which reveals different dimensions of life. One can miss Gita; one can miss Ramayana but should not miss Dostoevsky’s Brothers Karamazov.
It happens very rarely that the expression of life is revealed through words and this novel takes you on a journey called life.