Sri Ramana has a beautiful presence, a presence who is so calm, so peaceful and a face which is so full of love and radiating light. Looking at Sri Ramana suddenly you start losing all the unessential and start growing and transforming in your being. This miracle start happening when you feel the presence of someone who has realized, the biggest miracle is that you start becoming desireless and start flowing in oneself. Guru can be the biggest inspiration for you but only inspiration on your path, walking has to be done by you only alone and that is all the function of the Guru is that he becomes a living example and Sri Ramana is one of that example. The magic of their presence is such that even if you see these Buddhas in your dream you start coming out of your dream and you start become more and more aware and conscious. They quietly come into your dream and give you blessing and love. Through this blog I pay my loving panamas to Sri Ramana Maharshi. Gratitude Siddhartha
The seeker goes through a lot during his journey towards god, nirvana, moksha whatever name you would like to give....these are the moments when he goes through lot of learning in his life which gives birth to ultimate intellegence and wisdom in him. My effort is to remind myself and the seekers on this path that there is only one thing worth in this world and that is being close to the master... love Siddhartha