Every religion has its own way of interpretation of truth and every way is so unique. And if we look deeper into how to come to a point of realization, the method used is so scientific, so logical which has make me realize that saints are the biggest scientist, the truths which a scientist is discovering right now has been already discovered by these saints and masters. There is a path to truth or we can say that this path is the pathless path because whatever we walk on this path is like not walking, its like speaking but without speaking, it’s like hearing without any hearing...the path which doesn’t leave any footprints....it’s a path of going beyond the mind with the help of mind. The Upanishad path of human consciousness is very interesting it starts with the body, the sutra says “the man has to become powerful only when he is powerful he is able to rise above normal way of life and with his power he defeats other men”...the sutra might look very superficial but actually it is tal...