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Showing posts from May, 2017
BEFORE I FALL - 2017 -  STARRING - Zoey Deutch “I have only this day and I am gonna live it right” even the same day becomes different if you live it right and what is right, living honestly and living what you are.. Before I fall or before I die or before I really disappear, do the right thing otherwise death doesnt happen, you have to keep on repeating till you get it right only then you finally disappear, only then you finally live, before that all your dying is living is nothing but a dream, finally when you wake up, when you start seeing things, that is the time when you really live and become life itself, death doesn’t exist then. Sometimes by mistake or by luck, you get to see a movie in which existence is talking to you, or a song with perfect lyrics and music is flowing in your ears, it can’t be created, it is just happening, its the way things are, anything you do or create cannot have the perfection of how things are, no matter how beautiful you paint...